Thursday, April 3, 2008

Thing 23:Final Thoughts

Congratulations to us all for taking the time and energy to complete this program. My world has been changed. The 23 Things on a Stick program was very unexpected. I am no longer totally ignorant where online resources are concerned.

I think my favorite Things and discoveries are Ning,Flickr, and Library Thing. These are areas that I can see myself using on a regular basis. This program brought several of us together as a team to support one and other and to better the libraries of Minnesota. I was amazed at what is available, that I could do it and at how much more there is for me to experiment with and learn.

I think if I had to put my feelings about the program in one phrase it would have to be:What a eye opening experience. Thank you 23 Things on a Stick.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Thing 22: What Did I Learn Today?

What did I learn today? Through 23 Things I have traveled to sites that I have never been, attempted feats I would not have, spent time doing things I liked and things I didn't. It forced me from my comfort zone and guiding me into what turned out to be a fun and great educational experience.

23 Things did take up a lot of time both at home and at work but was fun. I will agree that perhaps when you start using Flickr, YouTube, etc as tools instead of playing around the time could be cut in half and the fact that I am familiar with them could also cut some time.

Though the Social networks I met several new contacts that promise a future of support and camaraderie. I feel that these networks will also help to keep me active and informed.

I do plan on keeping my blog active. Although a daily commitment is not a possibility. This has been a good start but there's so much more to go. I think I will start by going back to the areas that I found a challenge and see if I can work things out. My mind is a bit on overload so I will welcome the opportunity to putter back through 23 Things.

Thing 21: Beyond MySpace: Other Social Networks

I liked both the Gather and Ning sites. Both offered Groups, Blogs, Photosharing etc. Being this has been my first venture into into any Social networks I found myself liking Ning the best. I felt comfortable at that site and plan to visit it regularly. I joined two groups on Ning one being 23 Things on a Stick and the other Library 2.0. I have corsponded with other members.

Wow I'm a member definately a feeling of acomplishment

View my page on 23 Things on a Stick


Thing 20: Libraries and Social Networks

I set up a account with both Facebook and MySpace. What a great tool to use to keep in touch with people. I like the way you can join groups that share your interests.

In Facebook I found a co-worker and invited another to join. I search for my 17 year old niece and found her but was unable to access her because she was in a school group and you needed to be a student to join. But I was able to send her a surprise email.

MySpace I invited some co-works to join and was going to look at some of the other members when I ran into their moods: amorous, aggressive I decided I couldn't handle them so I left them to their moods and posted a simple blog.

Hey check out this webpage, Denver’s MySpace Page is impressive. Libraries can use Facebook and MySpace to promote/post upcoming events, chat about books etc. I did notice that Meg Cabot has a page, what a great way for people to get to know her and interact with her. I did have fun but I can't say I'm a total fan. Maybe if I wouldn't listen to the negative publicity.

Thing 19:Podcasts

I looked at several of the Podcast directories finding each one a little different and fairly easy to use. All directories gave the option of several different categories. I found to be the friendliest. There I spent most of my time in CNN and NPR. Some of the Podcasts were slow loading and several of the more educational ones were sooo boring.

I can't say that I feel inspired to create a podcast but I do see myself listening to them in the future. Surprise I actually do own a MP3 Player.